October 2021 News from KVV
Dear Client
Recently the world sat in awe as we watched athletes from across the world compete in the Olympics. One thing that always stands out for me is that the principle that I was taught in primary school when running a 400m race is still practiced by the worlds’ elite athletes. The principle that our coaches taught was that when you run a 400m race you run with your whole heart but it is in the last 100 meters where you need to throw all caution to the wind, dig deep and lay it all out in the field. The last 100m of the race is where the race is won, where we see the type of grit and glory that inspires us. It’s that last 100m that captures the imagination of the world and draws millions of people worldwide to watch these races on the edge of their seats.
To me, the coming of October month has always been the start of the last 100m for any given year. Three quarters of the year lies behind us. When October starts I always find my mind drifting to the three quarters of the year that has passed. I take stock of the things I learned and experienced, the unmerited blessings I received, the hurts and losses I experienced. My mind wanders through the year, the lows sharply contrasted by the highs and I always stop to make room for the impact of all these events to shape me as a person, to let it matter, to let it sink in.
This year was no exception to this process and I think for many people this was a year in which uncertainty reigned and the losses suffered were devastating. 2021 has not been the fairest or most palatable year for most people I speak to. But 2021 is not yet over, it is the coming quarter, the last 100m, that defines the race, defines the players that run in the race, that shows the guts and the glory that inspires nations and brings people together. So let’s dig deeper than we ever have before, push through the sore muscles, look past the sweat stinging our eyes and let’s finish this year like the elite athletes we are.
Ianthe Biggs | Conveyancer