KVV Woman’s Day – Woman through the ages
On 24 August 2016, KVV Inc was honoured to host our female partners in the industry at our Woman’s Day event, celebrating Woman through the Ages.
The day was filled with a wonderful program and included many lucky draws and surprises for our guests. The ladies were divided into four different ages and had to dress up according to either the Gatsby, Second World War, Rock & Roll or Hippy eras, with KVV Staff representing the future.
We took a journey through time and looked at the road woman had to travel through the ages, focussing specifically on the last 100 years where woman stood tall and proud in the history of the world in their fight for parity.
The highlight of the morning was a performance by SA’s very own Liz Meiring who had the audience crying with both laughter and compassion as she entertained us with extracts of her show “Langpad & Lipstick”.
Thank you to each and every lady who attended our function and travelled with us on the journey of Woman through the Ages! Each one of you are so special to us and we commemorate your role and contribution as a woman in the industry and in our society! Congratulations to all the winners of the lucky draws and especially the winners of the holidays!!
Keep an eye out for the official pictures of the day on our Facebook page and Website.
Here’s to the next Age!