Just like that the first quarter of the year is done
Just like that the first quarter of the year is done. It seems like just yesterday that we all sat together around Christmas trees and here we are, having celebrated Easter already. The months just flew by.
We all know that time goes by quicker every year, or so it seems. I read somewhere that a year feels so much shorter as you get older as your brain has the amazing capacity to fit the year into the entire timeline of your life. A year feels longer when you are 5 years old because 1 year equals 20% of your life. That same year however amounts to only 5% of your life when you are 20 and your mind balances this out making the year feel much shorter.
I often sit back and consider the days when I was in primary school. A year, or even a quarter of the year, just felt like it went on forever. I look back on those days with wonder and awe. You see, as adults we tend to lose sight of the promise that time holds and we tend to lose sight of what can be accomplished in what we perceive to be a short amount of time. My daughter is 18 months old, I am astonished when I consider the vast array of successes that she has accomplished in 18 months. She has learnt to walk on her own, learnt to wash her own hands at the sink (and learnt to carry the step to the sink in just the right way to enable this), learnt to communicate with extreme efficiency without using words and is well on her way to speaking fluently. From infancy to where she is now is mind blowing – and here is the best part of it all – her and I have always had the same amount of time all through these last 18 months, yet I did not learn to master anything nearly as well as she has. Her successes in the last 18 months has literally changed her life forever.
When I take time with my family to rest over the coming public holidays, I intend to let my mind wander over the passage of time. I want to go back and view time in the same way that I did when I was 5. When a year was still long and the list of things that I wanted to accomplish, build and become in that year was long, courageous and life altering. I want to go back to a space where I can look at the remaining 3 quarters of this year not as something that is rushing by, but rather look at the year as something that is far from over and brimming with possibility and promise. Something in which so much more is yet to be accomplished. I want to invite you too to consider time in this way when you cast your mind over your life.
Ianthe Biggs | Conveyancing