Happy New Year 2017
Trust you had an awesome festive season with family and friends, and that you are well rested out for what the new year will bring!
I am sure that the majority of South Africans would be glad to see the back of 2016, the year most will remember for global events like Brexit, a new American president, possible junk status and so forth.
What will 2017 look like …? Most economists do not predict much growth – at best a stable property market. The reasons remain the political uncertainty and the looming possibility of junk status. I however believe that there are still enough positives to look forward to. 40% of loans are granted to first time home buyers and with property prices stable, first time buyers still believe that it is the right time to enter the property market. We see more and more new developments with people tending to relocate to security Estates.
Let us stop pointing out problems and become part of the solutions! Learn from our past and create the future we want in 2017!
Diaan van Wyk| Director