A Note from our Directors
In the Conveyancing world this means that the busiest time of year is upon us and the mad rush from September to December is about to begin. It is true that we hear a lot of mumble and worry about the challenges we are facing in South Africa and how this will impact the economy. However amongst the rising cost of living there is still much to be thankful for. Let us draw hope and inspiration from the month of August to arm us for the last months of the year.
In August we celebrate Women’s Month, and more specifically Women’s Day, in South Africa. A time of year where we remember the sacrifices and struggles many women had to face throughout history to ensure that we have the freedoms we have today. Even though there are still many battles yet to be won in the fight against gender based violence and abuse, there are many lessons of hope and perseverance we can learn from the women who made history.
However you choose to celebrate your Women’s Day / Month, take some time to read through history. You may find names like Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa, Florence Nightingale, Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Indira Ghandi, Princess Diana, Wangari Maathai and Malala Yousafzai to name but a few. Whether it was standing for a certain cause, fighting against an injustice, having major breakthroughs in science or taking care of the needy and the poor, these women battled against all odds and changed history.
Not all of us will be remembered in the history books, but it does teach us that the smallest person can change the course of history. Although your circle of influence may not be so big, never forget its significance. The ripple effect of one act of kindness can change the world!
Happy Women’s Day!
Mariëtte van Zyl | Director